A Prayer for Women

Just a few days ago, many of us honored the important women who embraced the sacrificial call of motherhood. Some are our mothers by birth, adoption, or marriage. Others are grandmas, aunts, and sisters. While others are mentors and friends. Women who have poured into the lives of boys and girls, men and women. Those who have loved unconditionally, apologized repeatedly, sacrificed endlessly, and cried relentlessly. Pillars in our lives, examples of wisdom, steadfastness, generosity, confidence, and hope.

This past Sunday, I had the honor of praying over the women in my church. While this prayer was specifically written for them, I believe these words transcend a specific location or congregation and can minister to all women. As you read this, may you be encouraged by where God has you and who He has you beside. There may be doubts, questions, and angst in your heart, but reach for the strength of the Lord; He is your help and source. There is nothing that you face alone when you choose to walk in the presence of Christ. 

And men, thank you for cherishing the women in your life. You are a strong example of godliness and holiness when you value your wife, daughter, mother, and friends. Continue to choose to love and honor women as Christ does. It doesn’t go unnoticed by the Creator or by the women in your circle; we are so grateful for your support, dedication, protection, and service. 

Lord, today we stand in gratitude
For all the women in the house.
Every daughter made in Your image, 
Every single one knit together by Your hand.

In Your Word, You call women radiant,
Wise, beautiful, treasured, and called. 
You have always bestowed gifts on women
To nurture, protect, defend, teach, and prophesy.

God, may these women here in this house
Know that You are with them and for them.
You have gifted, called, equipped, and blessed them
To be conduits of Your deep mercy and love.

We ask for a covering of protection and favor
On their physical bodies, their emotions and minds,
Administer wisdom, patience, and kindness
To sustain them in their places of ministry.

Because we have all been called to minister. 

Some are in the chaotic trenches; 
Mothering babies and toddlers.
Others are navigating the school years,
Balancing homework, friendships, and sports.
Scarier yet, there are those with teenagers
Carefully maneuvering guiding and letting go.

Several now have babies all grown,
Gone and living off on their own.
And we minister differently, distantly,
Often on our knees in fervent prayer.
Ministry expands to in-laws and grandkids,
A whole new level of depth and joy.
Reminders that life is so valuable!

A woman’s ministry often reaches beyond the home
As many work and lead in varying positions.
Bless her efforts in morality and expand her capacity
To be steadfast in where You have called her to be.

God, we recognize that Mother’s Day 
Can often foster deep sorrow and grief.
For some, it is a reminder of who we have lost.
For others, it is a gut punch of what we do not yet have.
And for others, it is a cruel marker of the mom we never had.

And these burdens are hard to carry,
Difficult stories we may have not yet told
But You, oh God, know what we hide in our hearts.

So Comforter, be gracious and intimate,
Embrace us with Your gentleness and love.
Remind us that our worth is in You alone,
That we are not defined by what we have or do not have.
You have called us Your masterpiece
And You desire to display Your glory in our lives.

Today, in this house, we revel in Your good work God. 
Women of honor and integrity stand among us,
Women who give relentlessly of their time and love,
Women who place others before their own needs,
Women who partner together with the Lord
To minister to those in her circle, her sphere of influence…

May we rise up and call her blessed,
May we speak our gratitude and adoration,
May we serve her and protect her,
May we honor her beauty, her intellect, and her presence,
May we encourage her dreams, her influence, and her passions
And may we promise to pray for her by name.

Thank you Lord for the ministering You do in a woman’s heart. 
Because of Your love, we can love others.
Because of Your creativity, we can be creative.
Because of Your leadership, we can lead in confidence. 
Because of Your compassion, we can be compassionate.
Help all of us as women, to be more like You, Jesus…
Every single day. AMEN.

Until next time, my friend—

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