He Whatsoevers it
I am forehead deep in my own words!! By now, one would assume that I have my book memorized.
Part of the book-writing process is reviewing your words, non-stop! Interesting fact: the writing of the book was completed back in April! These last four months have been centered on the long-suffering practice of editing, cross-checking, formatting, rewriting, reformatting, and the all-consuming process of re-reading.
It feels odd to read my own words and think, “Wow, that was good.” Sounds prideful, at first, but I truly believe I was playing the role of the vessel with every word typed. God birthed this book and supplied all sorts of biblical and practical application pieces for it. I was His vessel at the computer; thus, I shouldn’t be surprised that the words are good and the message is needed.
Do you know who needs the message of this book?
My number one answer? ME!
In every re-read of the book, my own words have come back to challenge me. While the bulk of the manuscript was written during the fall of 2021, the me in the summer of 2022 needed to re-read the messages that God downloaded in my heart at an earlier date. I have been in awe at God’s orchestration: on a cold day in November, I sat at my computer with my coffee and breathed in a quiet house. After prayer for His guidance and inspiration, my fingers scripted sentences and stories that I knew would have an impact on a future reader. What I didn’t realize was the fact that God gave me a message in November that I wouldn’t personally need until July and August. He used my obedient writing to preach to a future me.
There will be future days where this message will still challenge and encourage me. I believe that God is going to use God’s Big Ask in many lives; I have always held to that promise. I underestimated how God was going to use the book for my own spiritual growth, my road to obedience and full surrender to Him. Knowing this now, I can earnestly say that the book is good. The Holy Spirit weaved lines of hope into the text that are not mine but were meant for me. I believe He has done the same for you. There are specific one-liners in God’s Big Ask that were God-breathed for you. He knew what you would need to hear before you even knew you needed to hear it. Words were written on cold mornings that wouldn’t be necessary until the hot summer days of pain. Chapters were planned two years ago for this moment - the opening of the book for the first time, the inhaling of the text in your current situation, the long-ago preparation for the here and now.
My friend, as I am days away from releasing God’s Big Ask into your hands, I want to share with you an excerpt from the book. Now, with any excerpt, you will have to suspend your desire for the full context. No one has time to read a full chapter as a blog post, but I’d like to invite you into this sneak peek of a reminder that God “whatsoevers” all the time!
I believe that the Holy Spirit has something for you in this book. It will challenge you but I wholeheartedly believe it will meet you where you are at. Words will make more sense in your spirit than they do on the page. Stories that resonate with no one else will jump off the page and encourage you. Single sentences will become new anchors of answered prayers and new mantras of hope to sustain you as you keep praying for answers. I believe this because I have already seen it happen in my life. Even the author of the book needed these reminders, these holy gifts given through simple words.
“Time and waste often get lumped together. After all, one of our favorite pastimes is wasting time. For some reason though, we sprint toward accusation as soon as we believe God is wasting our time. So much could have occurred and been completed during the time between the need and the answer. In the waiting, we conclude that we are wasting precious time, resources, and opportunities. Had I found a job sooner, we would be months ahead in our finances. Had I received the treatment sooner, I would be closer to remission. Had I become pregnant earlier, I would be holding a baby now. Had my sibling found a treatment center sooner, there would have been less devastation. God, if You had just answered and provided sooner, I would be less hurt, less mad, and less wasted.
Faster is not always better. Immediacy is cheap. Genies only exist in fairy tales.
In the book of Acts, Paul was commissioned as one of the first missionaries. His radical transformation from Christian persecutor to public Christ-follower is detailed in Acts 9, and the rest of the book narrates his multiple missionary endeavors. Paul and his companions journeyed from place to place to tell of the good news of Jesus Christ. We see how God blessed their efforts, gave them boldness, and added to their numbers––that is until Acts 16. Paul wanted to share in the regions of Phrygia and Galatia, but we read that the Holy Spirit stopped him from going there. Then, he wanted to share near Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus did not allow him to. Closed doors are frustrating, but they are even more frustrating when they involve good intentions. Isn’t sharing the gospel the very best intention? Why would God close such doors?
If you keep reading, you begin to see why God led them elsewhere. He had other plans, including Paul’s imprisonment. Yes, God closed doors for Paul so he would be led to the area of Philippi, so he would then find himself behind prison doors. Immediately, we assume this is wasted time. How is imprisonment not wasted time? With God, nothing is wasted. Even our suffering is not wasted. Paul reminds us in his second book to the church in Corinth that God is made perfect in our weakness. Prison doors were made perfect because God sent a violent earthquake to break the shackles and open the doors. Imprisonment was made perfect because a jailer and his whole household came to know Christ. For that family, Paul’s imprisonment was a gift. God doesn’t waste time, he “whatsoevers” it. Whatever the complication, God can whatsoever it because all circumstances fall under His authority.”
My prayer for you (and me) this week is when you look around and see waste and wonder what God is doing or if He is even doing anything…may you remember the word “whatsoever.” In the long haul of your suffering, as you face closed doors and impossible walls may you begin to see glimpses of how God is indeed working and making a way.
Until next time my friend,
Twenty-eight more days my friend! God’s Big Ask will be available for purchase on September 27th! You can get an early copy by joining tier 1 or tier 2 of the launch team! Only one more week to join tier 1 or tier 2- your digital copy will arrive in your email inbox next Tuesday, September 6.
Then, look for an email with a detailed explanation that will walk you through the tier you chose. (check your email spam folder)
How else can I help?
1. Pray for the book’s message and influence.
2. Tell your family, friends, non-friends, strangers, and all your people about the book! Send them this blog link. Anyone can serve on the Launch Team!